
How do games affect a child?

"Let's play" is a request from a child familiar to all parents. And the child feels great joy when mom or dad agree to spend time together. However, it is worth understanding that the game is not only entertainment, but also consolidation of skills, acquaintance with the surrounding world, improvement of the child's emotional state and communication. This is a special kind of relationship. Therefore, you need to choose a children's game wisely.

Let's talk about how a child's development and behavior are related to play and how to choose entertainment better.

How do games affect a child?

Why do children like to play?

During the game, the child feels free and relaxed, it is his safe world where he can reveal himself. You may have noticed that then the little one shows possibilities that are not realized in ordinary life. The child becomes braver, more skillful, smarter and kinder. In this way, she records the skills she has acquired in ordinary life.

An interesting point: the child will be fussy with parents, but never with play partners. Perhaps you also had a situation when a child, let's say, cried, and when you started playing, the tears immediately dried up. Because this is an interaction during which the baby learns his performance of the role. Let's give an example. If a child is told that he needs to become a bunny, he will make the movements of the animal exactly.

How do games affect a child?

Advantages of the game

Play is the main part of life for kids. A source of joy and learning. This is communication, a natural necessity for a child. It reflects the inner state of the child, implements and deepens knowledge. Basically, a game is for a child, like work and rest for an adult.

  • the child learns to be independent
  • makes independent decisions
  • finding himself in new situations, develops creativity and imagination
  • gets new knowledge about the world
  • learns to think and relax
  • awakens empathy and compassion
  • learns to trust game partners

Today has changed the game. First due to the COVID-19 pandemic, then due to the war, many children do not have the opportunity to play with their peers. They lose a key factor for their development.

Therefore, we advise parents to focus on the child's independent play, as well as to join in spending time together.

Games from the Strateg brand

Are there interesting and useful toys? This question is often asked by parents who understand that play is the best way for a child to develop.

Toys from the Strateg brand - the leader in the production of toys in Odessa - are the best option for the whole family. The founder is Oleksandr Sivak, Odesa journalist and businessman, publisher of the specialized magazine "Shipping".

Strateg produces a wide range of toys: sets of children's creativity, puzzles, kinetic sand. All products are special and unique, meet international quality standards.

The main thing for Strateg is the child and its needs. Toys from this brand combine a child's imagination and intelligence.

They entertain, give an opportunity to learn about the world through them and develop. This is such a micro-universe with an exciting plot.

Oleksandr Sivak and his Strateg place special emphasis on board games. The whole family can play! For example, there is a series of patriotic games for Ukrainians: "Oh, Luzy..." "Say Palayanitsa", "Good evening we are from Ukraine", "Russian warship go to... the bottom".

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